Thursday, March 29, 2012


GO BIG RED!  How fun it was to have Husker players in our classroom!  Cory Burleson, Kale Kiser, Brandon Pierce, and Rich Sanguinetti were delightful guests who lit up kindergarten with joy and enthusiasm.  Here are some pictures from our day!

Cory and Brandon singing with us!

Take me out to the ballgame!

Kale and Rich helping us with batting practice.....batter up!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'm "SPRINGING" back into our blog!

Happy spring and welcome back to our blog!  As a new blogger I am learning that, like many things in life, changes and new routines take time, energy, patience, practice, and repetition.  I started our classroom blog this fall thinking that it would be easy and fun to "jump" on the computer and communicate with parents via a blog.  Well, as you have noticed, I am an EMERGING BLOGGER with much to learn!  There is a wonderful quote that I keep tucked in my mind when I get frustrated and think that everything I do should be done extremely well the fist time.  It goes like this:   

"Learn to be patient with yourself.  Enjoy the process of growth for what it ongoing opportunity to become the best we can become at all levels in our life.  Don’t push the river.  Just let it flow."

So I am going to be patient, put my blogging picture by my computer, and gather a classroom of enthusiastic munchkins to entice me down the river!  Wish me the best!

Miss Sawyer