Monday, November 5, 2012

Welcome To Fall!

Welcome to fall!  Here is a little video I put together of the munchkins celebrating beautiful days, colorful leaves, and delicious apples!

Our Goal is 100!
This month Meadow Lane School is participating in a FOOD DRIVE for the Food Bank of Lincoln.  Our goal as a classroom is to collect 100 items for the food bank!  We are curious how much that will look like in our coat hall and we love the number 100!  You will find a decorated brown lunch sack in this week's Wednesday folder that you can use to send back food items to school.  All contributions are appreciated as we try to reach our goal of 100!

Bundling Up!
As the cool days of autumn move our way and mittens warm our little hands, I would like to ask you to start preparing for the chilly days ahead by practicing with your child how to bundle up by themselves.  Here are a few tips and ideas for you and your child:

*Practice zipping, snapping, and buttoning coats!
*Practice putting on mittens, boots, and hats!
*Practice changing boots and shoes!

*Practice every night as a part of your nightly routine.  Do not try to practice when you need to be somewhere as you will not have time.
*Make sure mittens are put on last as our hands can do more things without mittens on them.
*If your child does not have boots yet for the winter, please consider a pair of boots that simply pull on.  Boots without lots of laces and buckles are best for little munchkins.

*Children who can bundle up by themselves are very proud!
*Parents of children who can bundle up by themselves are happy and have free time!