Sunday, April 27, 2014


Much like the Lorax...
we speak for the trees!
we speak for the flowers!
we speak for the mountains!
we speak for the rivers!
we speak for the creatures!
we speak for the Earth.

I hope we keep speaking with helping hands and kind hearts!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Math Madness!

The days are flying by and I am having a simply delightful time teaching your children.  We have been working diligently on solving addition and subtraction problems during math and our efforts are paying off!  We have learned many strategies for solving equations!  Here is what math looks like in kindergarten!

Our process!

1.  We listen to the story problem!

2.  We draw a matching picture.

3.  We subtract or add.  (this is subtracting)

4.  We write the equation!

5.  We check our work and share our strategy!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Earth's on the way!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Earth Day!  I believe we teach our children to value blue skies, clear crisp stream water, majestic mountains, fresh air, a beautiful garden, shade beneath a tree, and life all around us!  We are learning and celebrating in so many ways!

Today we worked as good citizens to make tie dyed green t-shirts!  The shirts will be ready for EARTH DAY and I can't wait!

I am keeping the shirts at SCHOOL and we will put them on when we get to kindergarten in the morning!  It is just one of many ways we will "GO GREEN"!

Add rubber bands!
Place in warm green water!
Wait patiently!

And Ta adorable shirt!

Monday, April 14, 2014


Just a reminder that RSVP's for our LORAX MOVIE NIGHT are due this Thursday.  I will be sending home another note on Tuesday (today) for those of you that may have misplaced your first note.  :-)

Movie Night will look like this:
6:15  Gathering for movie & finding your seats.
6:25  Sshhh!  The movie is about to start!
6:30  The Lorax Movie!  Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Little Miss Lizzie

We had a "PURRFECT" day when Lizzie came to visit us in kindergarten on Friday! Here is a little peek at the events of our day and the sweetness of the children with Little Miss Lizzie!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

More amazing "VOICE" from our kindergarten authors!

I am truly AMAZED by the authors in our classroom!
We are focusing on "voice", expression, and adjectives!
We are showing a great deal of EFFORT!
The munchkins are each choosing a trait/skill to practice in their writing and our hard work shows! We are learning what is means to CHALLENGE ourselves to learn, practice, and get smarter!

As someone stated today:
"You must be so, so, so, so, so proud of us, Miss Sawyer!".....Yes, I most certainly am!