Sunday, December 23, 2012


This is a joyous season.  We send our wish for peace, love, and hope!  May your days be merry and bright!  I love these pictures...I hope you do, too!

Friday, December 14, 2012


 Dear Parents,
Almost every day the children and I talk about my two most important jobs.  I believe that they would all tell you with a smile that my most important jobs are to keep them safe and to make them smarter.  As you might imagine, I usually think about keeping kindergartners safe from monkey bar tumbles, pointed scissors, unkind words, tipping chairs, tripping feet, and block towers that crash.  Today I was reminded that my job, and my promise to your children, is not always what we might expect it to be....sometimes in this world the unthinkable happens.

My heart hurts for the children, teachers, and families at Sandy Hook and for all of us who want to protect the innocence of childhood.  So today, hug a bit longer, find time to make cookies, let the laundry stay in the basket, snuggle in your jammies, teach your kindergartner how to give an Eskimo kiss, and embrace the sparkle in your child's eyes.

With love,
Miss Sawyer

Wednesday, December 5, 2012



Friday is popcorn day!
Friday is SILLY SOCK day!
Your child is invited to wear silly socks to school on Friday.
Silly socks might be.....
   *socks with frogs  or silly characters on them!
   *socks with dots or stripes!
   *socks that don't match!
   *short socks and tall socks!
   *tights with socks with footies with shoes!

Have fun finding SILLY SOCKS to wear.
As you might guess...we will be taking pictures on Friday!