Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Mark your calendars!
Please join us for a KINDERGARTEN CELEBRATION on Friday, May 17th!
Plans are still "taking shape" with the munchkins...they have many ideas!

Our CELEBRATION will be in the afternoon....most likely 2:00-3:30.
I will send definite times later this week!

Also...."PURPLE HANDS" Day is this Friday!  The children are asked to wear PURPLE in support of using our hands and words for being kind and gentle with people in our world!  And don't forget it is also POPCORN FRIDAY!

HAPPY MAY DAY to you all!  (Sadly, this is my favorite "forgotten holiday"!  Though I still deliver May Baskets every year!)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Aim For The Moon...

 "Aim for the moon...even if you miss, you'll always land among the stars!"

Shine!  We collected $1,017.26 in pennies, nickels, dimes, and dollars!
Sparkle!  We were selected to receive a matching grant from State Farm & Junior Achievement!
Twinkle!  We will soon have 22 balance ball chairs for our classroom!
Glow!  We will also be getting 4 more ishuffles and headphones!

I am so proud of the children and so grateful to all of you for your encouragement and contributions!  We definitely landed somewhere between the moon and the stars!

With love,
Miss Sawyer