Friday, August 30, 2013


We have been talking about ways TO BE SAFE in school and in our world.  We practiced crossing Vine Street during VERY BUSY times of the day on both Wednesday and Thursday!  We all made it safely back to school and then we created some wonderful pictures as well as traffic lights!

We watched the traffic carefully and pushed the button!

We crossed the street...5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

We made it safely back to school!

We look both ways even if we have a green light!

We always cross at the crosswalk!

Red is for STOP!   Yellow is for SLOW DOWN!   Green is for GO!    

Monday, August 26, 2013

Line Order!

Watch us line up in LINE ORDER!
Bradley is at the front.
Zoe is at the back.
Everyone else is in between!

Time to line up.  Time to line up!

In line order.  In line order!

Please find your spot.  Please find your spot!

Marshmallows, quiet.  Marshmallows, quiet!

Thursday, August 15, 2013


I know I promised you an "ADORABLE VIDEO" worth the time of signing up for our BLOG, but I am sad to report that it will most likely be a day late!  So sorry!  It has been created, I just can't seem to embed it in our blog!

Yet, even with the is worth the wait!  Here is my favorite photo!

Thursday, August 8, 2013


"The more that you read, the more that you'll know.
The more that you learn...
the more places you'll go!"
-Dr. Seuss

Welcome to KINDERGARTEN.  I am so happy that you have found us on smartkidslearning!  Oh, I can't wait for the places we'll go.....