Friday, January 31, 2014


Do you ever walk around thinking thoughts in your head and then later wish you had actually shared your thoughts out loud?  Well, just in case I haven't told you lately... your children are amazing!  If you would have been able to peek into our classroom the last few days, you would have seen and heard children doing the following activities:
     *spelling words with "long e" sounds in the middle!  (ee)
     *using word windows to read words in books with a partner
     *working responsibly to create a winter art page
     *discussing vocabulary words with talking buddies: clever, drought, predict, temperature & storm
     *finding hidden number partners in math
     *writing numbers 1-100!
On top of all of that, and perhaps even more importantly, they were being kind, respectful, helpful, and delightfully charming!  I am truly blessed to be the teacher in this classroom of children.  Thank you for sharing your munchkins with me!


Monday, January 13, 2014


Happy New Year!
The munchkins and I are slowly getting back into the routine of school after such a long winter break. We are remembering what it is like to work, practice, read, write, count, spell, and listen from the morning bell to the afternoon bell!  Mixed in with the many smiles of the past week have been a few tears, some tummy aches, a lot of tired yawns, and many hungry tummies!  Please help us refocus our minds so that we are once again SMART KIDS LEARNING at school.  Here are some ideas:
     -make sure your child is going to bed on time
     -make sure your child has a good and healthy breakfast
     -try to have your child read every day...this can be by themselves or with a parent/sibling
     -review good manners for school and learning
     -ask your child about what they are learning at enthusiasm and pride!

January 20:  NO SCHOOL
January 22:  Report Cards
January 27:  100th DAY OF SCHOOL  (more information later)
January 27:  Children start entering their own lunch SNAP number!  (see note in this week's folder)
January 28: Early dismissal at 2:18 for PLC Day!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Yes, you read that correctly!
It is PAJAMA DAY on Friday at Meadow Lane School.
Children are invited to show their SPIRIT and wear PAJAMAS to school!
It will be a cozy day while we work, learn, play, read, and sing all day long!

Here are a few things to keep in mind when dressing in PAJAMAS for school!
-Pajamas need to be warm!
-Long sleeve shirts are a good idea if your pajamas have short sleeves.
-Tights or leggings are a good idea if you are wearing a nightgown.
-Children need to wear shoes/boots with their pajamas to school.
-Slippers can be worn in the classroom.
-Robes with pajamas are okay to wear to school.

Warm and cozy pajamas from last year!