Monday, May 5, 2014


Well, if you haven't heard by now, let me tell you that we have become COIN COLLECTORS in kindergarten!  The munchkins were so curious and fascinated by the idea that each state was allowed to design their own QUARTER that they inspired me to order a Quarter's Collector Map!

We are now eager and excited see how many different STATE QUARTERS we can collect between now and the end of the year!  The discussion was delightful today with many of the children explaining in great detail where they might possibly find quarters, whom they might ask to contribute, and how they would go about "breaking" into their piggy bank to find quarters!

Please help us if you are able and willing!  I have heard/read that collecting the District Of Columbia and five Territorial Quarters is quite challenging.

We will keep you posted every day on our successes and the additions to our Quarter Map!

The boys searching for Nebraska!

Our Quarter Map on the inside!

Bradley presenting our Quarter Map!