Monday, October 24, 2011

Printing Numbers Video

Watch Miss Sawyer make numbers 1 - 8!  See if you can make them just the same.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


We are printing numbers 1-8!  Here are the WORDS that we use to make our numbers.  Have fun practicing at home.  Fun ways to practice:
  •      in pudding on a plate OR jello sugar  (trace and lick!)
  •      make a sand tray with colored sand and a rimmed cookie sheet
  •      trace numbers on your mommy's back

1 = straight down
2 = curve up, slant down, across
3 = around make a half circle, around make a half circle
4 = straight down, across, pick up your pencil, straight down
5 = straight down, out and around, pick up your pencil, across
6 = down, under, up, and make a circle
7 = across, make a point, slant down
8 = curve back, around, make an "s", and close it up

Friday, October 14, 2011

Reggie Rooster Rocks!

Look at us!  We are smart and cute at the same time!
Stay tuned for more AlphaFriend Videos in the future!
See if your child can tell you the Alphafriends for "B", "T", "S", "M", "R", and"N"!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

YEAH! The BLOG is up!

Thanks for subscribing to SMARTKIDSLEARNING!  Every day I ask the children to show me  "smart kids ready to learn" and they politely sit up quietly, put their eyes on me, place their hands in their lap, and begin to focus on school.  We talk all the time about the idea that we are in school to get smarter, to learn how to read, to be problem solvers, and to take care of each other!

I hope that this blog will help keep you updated and involved with your child's life in kindergarten. My goal is to eventually have the children help maintain and write this exciting that will be for all of us!