Saturday, October 22, 2011


We are printing numbers 1-8!  Here are the WORDS that we use to make our numbers.  Have fun practicing at home.  Fun ways to practice:
  •      in pudding on a plate OR jello sugar  (trace and lick!)
  •      make a sand tray with colored sand and a rimmed cookie sheet
  •      trace numbers on your mommy's back

1 = straight down
2 = curve up, slant down, across
3 = around make a half circle, around make a half circle
4 = straight down, across, pick up your pencil, straight down
5 = straight down, out and around, pick up your pencil, across
6 = down, under, up, and make a circle
7 = across, make a point, slant down
8 = curve back, around, make an "s", and close it up

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