Monday, September 24, 2012


MATH HOMEWORK:  Thank you for helping your child with their math homework.  I do believe that practicing at home will increase success at school and in life!

PRINTING THE NUMBER FIVE:  Please know that we have started to print the number five a bit differently this week.  The new way and language that goes with it makes the five easier to print and it matches our homework pages and practice worksheets.  Another advantage is that it makes the five less likely to look like the letter "s"!  Happy printing!

BIG MATH TEST:  Our first BIG math test is coming up this Thursday.  Please practice printing numbers 1-5 with your child as I believe it will be the most challenging part of the test.  You may also practice counting items 1-5, comparing more and less quantities, and finding things that are the same and things that are different.

TEST TAKING IDEAS:  Please remember that eating breakfast, getting a good night sleep, and coming to school happy are all important factors for success when taking tests!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Smile! Smile! Smile!

Just a quick reminder that Individual School Pictures will be taken this Wednesday!  Every child will have their picture taken, but only parents/guardians ordering will receive pictures.  Your order form with payment must be at school on Wednesday...the company does not take late orders.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Little Bit of This & That!

BOOK ORDERS:  Book orders will be due tomorrow (Thursday)....thus giving you one more day to pick out and order your favorite books either online or via the paper flyers.

THANK YOU:  A big THANK YOU to all of the parents/guardians who showed up for Curriculum Night last Thursday!  The count is not official, but I do believe that our class had the highest turnout!  I appreciate your time, interest, and willingness to support your child's school adventures!

BLOG FOLLOWERS:  Thanks again for signing up for our BLOG!  Right now we have 15 out of 20 children who have someone signed up to read our blog.  That's wonderful!  I am still hoping to get five more followers...I am the eternal optimist!

POPCORN AND SPIRIT FRIDAY:  This Friday the children may bring 25 cents to school to buy a bag of popcorn AND they are invited to wear Meadow Lane colors or Meadow Lane shirts to share their school spirit.  Our colors are blue and yellow.  GO MUSTANGS!!!!