Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Little Bit of This & That!

BOOK ORDERS:  Book orders will be due tomorrow (Thursday)....thus giving you one more day to pick out and order your favorite books either online or via the paper flyers.

THANK YOU:  A big THANK YOU to all of the parents/guardians who showed up for Curriculum Night last Thursday!  The count is not official, but I do believe that our class had the highest turnout!  I appreciate your time, interest, and willingness to support your child's school adventures!

BLOG FOLLOWERS:  Thanks again for signing up for our BLOG!  Right now we have 15 out of 20 children who have someone signed up to read our blog.  That's wonderful!  I am still hoping to get five more followers...I am the eternal optimist!

POPCORN AND SPIRIT FRIDAY:  This Friday the children may bring 25 cents to school to buy a bag of popcorn AND they are invited to wear Meadow Lane colors or Meadow Lane shirts to share their school spirit.  Our colors are blue and yellow.  GO MUSTANGS!!!!


  1. My child comes home tracking in the black shavings from the playground. It gets all over. Is there any way you can allow the kids to dump their shoes at the end of recess or the end of the school day to help alleviate this issue?

  2. I am sorry about the mess sometimes caused by the black shavings from the playground. As you might imagine, taking off and putting on 40 shoes is not very easy for me to do during our kindergarten day and it would take away valuable teaching time. Perhaps it would be possible for parents/daycare providers to help children dump their shoes on the playground when picking them up after school OR maybe there could be a plan at each house for dumping shoes before you go inside. I am certainly willing to help with shoes after school when I am not talking with parents. Please let me know if I can help your child.
