Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Just a few reminders...

*Parent-Teacher Conferences continue Thursday night!  Thanks for your time and commitment!

*The  Book Parade is Friday at 9:20-10:00!  Please find a spot in the front hallway and enjoy!  We will be reading in our room following the parade in an activity called, STOP, DROP, AND READ!  We would love for you to read with us!  Please remember that as a class we will be representing the book, Ten Apples Up On Top!  If you can, please send your child to school with an apple AND dressed in red, black, or white clothing just like the Cat In The Hat!  Everything else we need for the parade we are making at school!

*I will be gone Friday afternoon and Miss Vanessa will  be teaching kindergarten. 

*Please know that calendars are still available for $10.00 each.  Order forms and calendar samples are in the classroom.  Thank you for your support in our "Bank On Youth" project.  I am happy to report that I was able to order 6 more balance ball chairs for our classroom!

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