Friday, September 27, 2013


We are SMART KIDS LEARNING all about math!

We can make groups by color!

We are writing numbers 1-6!  Number 7 is next!

We are making groups by shape!  Can you see the parallelograms?

We are making people, places, and things with shapes!

A train with rectangles, circles, and squares!

Patterns repeat!  This is an "AB" pattern.

We can make number partners!  3+2=5

Find the cylinders!  Find the cube!  What is on top?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Stars And Stripes

What an amazing classroom of children!
They truly are bright and shining stars each and every day!

Sunday, September 15, 2013


TUESDAY:  I will be at Wendy's Restaurant for Meadow Lane's Dining Out Night from 5:00-6:00!  Please join me for dinner if it works into your plans and together we can help support our Meadow Lane PTA!

WEDNESDAY:  Individual students pictures will be taken this Wednesday at school.  Please send back your order forms and payments if you wish to have a delightful picture of your kindergartner!

ALL DAY, EVERY DAY:  We are working diligently to learn ALL of the uppercase and lowercase alphabet letters and letter sounds!  We are making tremendous progress at school!  Please practice at home, in the car, when washing the dishes, during your bedtime routines, while riding bikes, and well, I think you get the idea...please practice whenever you get the chance!  Thanks for making us SMART KIDS LEARNING!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Just a quick reminder that Friday is PURPLE HANDS DAY at Meadow Lane School!  The children are invited to wear PURPLE to school to show support for kindness and anti-bullying.  Children might want to wear:
*purple socks
*a purple bow or ribbon
*purple pants
*purple shoes
*a shirt with purple stripes or flowers
*or anything purple!!!!!

We recite the PURPLE HANDS PLEDGE every day at school.  It sounds like this:

I will not use my hands or words for hurting myself or others!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Oh my goodness!  We are on our way to becoming SMART KIDS LEARNING!

During Reading Group Rotations we have four work areas and since there is only one Miss Sawyer (thank goodness) the children are learning that sometimes they have be their own teacher, kiss their brain, and try their best!  At one of the rotations, the children have to complete a literacy activity that usually requires one or more of the following processes:  coloring, drawing, spelling, reading, word work, or writing!  We have been looking over our work and "EVALUATING" how we are doing so that we know the expectations for school and what it "looks like" to do great work!

Our ratings are as follows:
good! = most of the work is done, nicely colored, followed directions, & resembles example
great! = all of the work is done, beautifully colored, followed directions, & has some creativity
concentrate! = work is not done, colored a lot with one color, & followed some of the directions

It is amazing, but the children are becoming quite accurate at rating the work we do in kindergarten.  They love to look at papers on the big screen and decide if it is a "good", "great", or "concentrate" paper.  We are always positive and try to give our friends ideas for getting smarter!  We are quickly discovering that "concentrate" papers usually mean that we need to focus a bit more and talk a bit less!  It might also mean that sitting at a table by ourselves is an okay strategy for learning.

Here are some examples of our work!  We are so proud of everybody!