Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Oh my goodness!  We are on our way to becoming SMART KIDS LEARNING!

During Reading Group Rotations we have four work areas and since there is only one Miss Sawyer (thank goodness) the children are learning that sometimes they have be their own teacher, kiss their brain, and try their best!  At one of the rotations, the children have to complete a literacy activity that usually requires one or more of the following processes:  coloring, drawing, spelling, reading, word work, or writing!  We have been looking over our work and "EVALUATING" how we are doing so that we know the expectations for school and what it "looks like" to do great work!

Our ratings are as follows:
good! = most of the work is done, nicely colored, followed directions, & resembles example
great! = all of the work is done, beautifully colored, followed directions, & has some creativity
concentrate! = work is not done, colored a lot with one color, & followed some of the directions

It is amazing, but the children are becoming quite accurate at rating the work we do in kindergarten.  They love to look at papers on the big screen and decide if it is a "good", "great", or "concentrate" paper.  We are always positive and try to give our friends ideas for getting smarter!  We are quickly discovering that "concentrate" papers usually mean that we need to focus a bit more and talk a bit less!  It might also mean that sitting at a table by ourselves is an okay strategy for learning.

Here are some examples of our work!  We are so proud of everybody!





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