Monday, October 28, 2013

Report Cards Are Coming Home!

Our days are flying by and we are LEARNING so much in kindergarten.  I wanted to remind you that REPORT CARDS are coming home this week in Wednesday folders.  Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your child's Report Card.  

 Please look for your child's Report Card and keep in mind the following thoughts and information:
     *All of the children are SMART KIDS LEARNING!
     *Everyone is learning new skills while growing academically and socially!
     *Effort is important for learning!
     *I am blessed to be the teacher of wonderful children who love to learn each and every day!
     *Academic Achievement Scores:
     4 = exceeds expectations, uses skills independently, & successfully completes daily work
     3 = meets expectations, usually uses skills independently, & successfully completes most daily work
     2 & 1 = approaching expectations, needs teacher assistance to use skills & successfully complete daily work
P.S.   I will be gone this Wednesday experiencing my first root canal!  Please say a prayer and wish me well!

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