Wednesday, December 18, 2013


What do PLC DAYS and SMART KIDS LEARNING have in common?
If you said, "Quite a bit!", then you are right!

Both are centered around children!
Both lead to student success!
Both guide teaching strategies, curriculum interventions, and daily instruction!
Both are integral parts of my year with your children!

On Tuesday, just like every month, our PLC (Professional Learning Community) at Meadow Lane met and discussed/analyzed our reading and math goals.  With the end of the second quarter just three days away, it was the perfect opportunity to look at where we started the year and where we are now with the academic achievements of our little munchkins!

I am happy, no ecstatic, to share with you the following data from the kindergartners in our classroom! We talk every day about how important it is to practice, to focus and finish, and to try our best.  The following successes should make us all proud!  How rewarding it was to put our names in the hall today and celebrate being SMART KIDS LEARNING!

Yeah for us!  Yeah for us!  Yeah for us!

READING GOAL 1: This year, 95% of all kindergartners will demonstrate proficiency in ALPHABET KNOWLEDGE.
100% of the children successful!
(second quarter proficiency = 45 or more letter names and 15 or more letter sounds)

READING GOAL 2:  This year, 90% of all kindergartners will demonstrate proficiency in HIGH FREQUENCY WORD DICTATION.
100% of the children successful!
(second quarter proficiency = 11 or more words out of 13)

READING GOAL 3:  This year, 95% of all kindergartners will  read ON or ABOVE GRADE LEVEL.
100% of the children successful!
(second quarter proficiency = DRA Level 1 or above)

MATH GOAL 1: This year, 95% of all kindergartners will demonstrate proficiency in NUMBER SENSE.
100% of the children successful!
(second quarter proficiency = creating groups, writing numbers, & making partners for numbers 1-10)


We can READ books!

We can READ, SPELL, and WRITE our high frequency words!

We are getting SMARTER every day because we work hard, practice, and believe!

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