Monday, May 5, 2014


Well, if you haven't heard by now, let me tell you that we have become COIN COLLECTORS in kindergarten!  The munchkins were so curious and fascinated by the idea that each state was allowed to design their own QUARTER that they inspired me to order a Quarter's Collector Map!

We are now eager and excited see how many different STATE QUARTERS we can collect between now and the end of the year!  The discussion was delightful today with many of the children explaining in great detail where they might possibly find quarters, whom they might ask to contribute, and how they would go about "breaking" into their piggy bank to find quarters!

Please help us if you are able and willing!  I have heard/read that collecting the District Of Columbia and five Territorial Quarters is quite challenging.

We will keep you posted every day on our successes and the additions to our Quarter Map!

The boys searching for Nebraska!

Our Quarter Map on the inside!

Bradley presenting our Quarter Map!

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Much like the Lorax...
we speak for the trees!
we speak for the flowers!
we speak for the mountains!
we speak for the rivers!
we speak for the creatures!
we speak for the Earth.

I hope we keep speaking with helping hands and kind hearts!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Math Madness!

The days are flying by and I am having a simply delightful time teaching your children.  We have been working diligently on solving addition and subtraction problems during math and our efforts are paying off!  We have learned many strategies for solving equations!  Here is what math looks like in kindergarten!

Our process!

1.  We listen to the story problem!

2.  We draw a matching picture.

3.  We subtract or add.  (this is subtracting)

4.  We write the equation!

5.  We check our work and share our strategy!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Earth's on the way!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Earth Day!  I believe we teach our children to value blue skies, clear crisp stream water, majestic mountains, fresh air, a beautiful garden, shade beneath a tree, and life all around us!  We are learning and celebrating in so many ways!

Today we worked as good citizens to make tie dyed green t-shirts!  The shirts will be ready for EARTH DAY and I can't wait!

I am keeping the shirts at SCHOOL and we will put them on when we get to kindergarten in the morning!  It is just one of many ways we will "GO GREEN"!

Add rubber bands!
Place in warm green water!
Wait patiently!

And Ta adorable shirt!

Monday, April 14, 2014


Just a reminder that RSVP's for our LORAX MOVIE NIGHT are due this Thursday.  I will be sending home another note on Tuesday (today) for those of you that may have misplaced your first note.  :-)

Movie Night will look like this:
6:15  Gathering for movie & finding your seats.
6:25  Sshhh!  The movie is about to start!
6:30  The Lorax Movie!  Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Little Miss Lizzie

We had a "PURRFECT" day when Lizzie came to visit us in kindergarten on Friday! Here is a little peek at the events of our day and the sweetness of the children with Little Miss Lizzie!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

More amazing "VOICE" from our kindergarten authors!

I am truly AMAZED by the authors in our classroom!
We are focusing on "voice", expression, and adjectives!
We are showing a great deal of EFFORT!
The munchkins are each choosing a trait/skill to practice in their writing and our hard work shows! We are learning what is means to CHALLENGE ourselves to learn, practice, and get smarter!

As someone stated today:
"You must be so, so, so, so, so proud of us, Miss Sawyer!".....Yes, I most certainly am!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Writing with "VOICE" in kindergarten!

As many of you have been noticing, we have been working on adding "VOICE" to our stories at writer's workshop.  Authors use "VOICE" to make their stories more interesting and to create emotions throughout the events of a story.  We create "VOICE" by:
   *repeating a word
   *using bubble letters or capital letters for a special word
   *making word bubbles or thought bubbles
   *stating feelings with words or drawing emotions on our faces
   *using describing adjectives

Take a look!  We think you will be AMAZED!

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Look at us!
Look at us!
Look at us NOW!
It is fun to have fun
But you have to know how!!!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wockets Are On Their Way!

Adorable Wockets have started to appear in our room as we continue to get ready for the BOOK PARADE and READ ACROSS AMERICA DAY in honor of Dr. Seuss!  We hope to see you next Monday at 9:20 for the parade and reading in our classroom!  The best place along the parade route is probably somewhere in the long main hallway.

Please remember to dress your child in red, white, or black if possible!

Thank you so much for your contributions to our "Seuss Surprise"!

Thursday, February 20, 2014


You are INVITED!
We are so EXCITED!
There is going to be a PARADE!
You will be thrilled to see what we've MADE!
Mark your calendars NOW...
As we hope to see you SOMEHOW!


WHO:  Dr. Seuss Loving Kindergartners, Other Students, and Parents!
WHAT:  Meadow Lane Book Parade Followed By "Stop, Drop, and Read!"
WHERE:  Meadow Lane School
WHEN:  Monday, March 3rd
TIME:  9:20-10:00

As a CLASS we have chosen to "BE" the Dr. Seuss Book, There's A Wocket In My Pocket!
We are making HATS at school!
We are making WOCKETS and POCKETS at school!
We are organizing PROPS at school!

Dress your child in red, black, or white clothes on Monday, March 3rd.
Come cheer us on in the parade!
Join us in our classroom after the parade to read!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

We Are 100 Days Smarter!

What an exciting day we had on the 100th DAY OF SCHOOL in kindergarten! Here is an enchanting video of our busy day! We hope you notice that we are still SMART KIDS LEARNING as the days continue to add up. It should come as no surprise that the children are lobbying for a 120th DAY celebration!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Parent-Teacher Conferences!

Just a reminder that Parent-Teacher Conferences are tonight and Thursday night!  I have included our schedule just in case you need a reminder!  I look forward to seeing all of you!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014
4:00  Danny
4:15  Evan
4:30  Tan
4:45  Tobias
5:00  James
5:15  Ugo
5:45  Kylee
6:00  Geonho
6:15  Camreee
6:30  Megan
6:45  Madeline

Thursday, February 13, 2014
4:15  Brooklyn
4:30  Felicity
4:45  Rion
5:00  Bradley
6:15  Scarlett
6:30  Miley
6:45  Zoe

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February Is Here!

I am not quite sure where January went...but here we are in February!  The days are flying by in kindergarten and I am amazed at all of the wonderful work and progress shown by the munchkins! This is my favorite time of the year because so many skills start coming together for children and they are able to create projects, apply their knowledge, and even guide their own learning! Happy February to us all!

Here are some February dates to keep in mind and perhaps put on your calendar!

-Friday, February 7th
-Children are invited to wear fitness/work out clothes to school!
-We will exercise for a healthy heart!

-Tuesday, February 11th and  Thursday, February 13th
-I can't wait to share so many wonderful successes with you!
-I will have a "valentine art center" set up for you to make a valentine for your child!  Please come early or stay a bit longer to make a valentine for your child!

-Friday, February 14th
-Your child is invited to bring valentines for their friends at school.
-Please see the note in this week's Wednesday/Thursday has all the directions!

Monday, February 17th

Tuesday, February 25th
Early dismissal at 2:18!

Friday, January 31, 2014


Do you ever walk around thinking thoughts in your head and then later wish you had actually shared your thoughts out loud?  Well, just in case I haven't told you lately... your children are amazing!  If you would have been able to peek into our classroom the last few days, you would have seen and heard children doing the following activities:
     *spelling words with "long e" sounds in the middle!  (ee)
     *using word windows to read words in books with a partner
     *working responsibly to create a winter art page
     *discussing vocabulary words with talking buddies: clever, drought, predict, temperature & storm
     *finding hidden number partners in math
     *writing numbers 1-100!
On top of all of that, and perhaps even more importantly, they were being kind, respectful, helpful, and delightfully charming!  I am truly blessed to be the teacher in this classroom of children.  Thank you for sharing your munchkins with me!


Monday, January 13, 2014


Happy New Year!
The munchkins and I are slowly getting back into the routine of school after such a long winter break. We are remembering what it is like to work, practice, read, write, count, spell, and listen from the morning bell to the afternoon bell!  Mixed in with the many smiles of the past week have been a few tears, some tummy aches, a lot of tired yawns, and many hungry tummies!  Please help us refocus our minds so that we are once again SMART KIDS LEARNING at school.  Here are some ideas:
     -make sure your child is going to bed on time
     -make sure your child has a good and healthy breakfast
     -try to have your child read every day...this can be by themselves or with a parent/sibling
     -review good manners for school and learning
     -ask your child about what they are learning at enthusiasm and pride!

January 20:  NO SCHOOL
January 22:  Report Cards
January 27:  100th DAY OF SCHOOL  (more information later)
January 27:  Children start entering their own lunch SNAP number!  (see note in this week's folder)
January 28: Early dismissal at 2:18 for PLC Day!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Yes, you read that correctly!
It is PAJAMA DAY on Friday at Meadow Lane School.
Children are invited to show their SPIRIT and wear PAJAMAS to school!
It will be a cozy day while we work, learn, play, read, and sing all day long!

Here are a few things to keep in mind when dressing in PAJAMAS for school!
-Pajamas need to be warm!
-Long sleeve shirts are a good idea if your pajamas have short sleeves.
-Tights or leggings are a good idea if you are wearing a nightgown.
-Children need to wear shoes/boots with their pajamas to school.
-Slippers can be worn in the classroom.
-Robes with pajamas are okay to wear to school.

Warm and cozy pajamas from last year!