Friday, January 31, 2014


Do you ever walk around thinking thoughts in your head and then later wish you had actually shared your thoughts out loud?  Well, just in case I haven't told you lately... your children are amazing!  If you would have been able to peek into our classroom the last few days, you would have seen and heard children doing the following activities:
     *spelling words with "long e" sounds in the middle!  (ee)
     *using word windows to read words in books with a partner
     *working responsibly to create a winter art page
     *discussing vocabulary words with talking buddies: clever, drought, predict, temperature & storm
     *finding hidden number partners in math
     *writing numbers 1-100!
On top of all of that, and perhaps even more importantly, they were being kind, respectful, helpful, and delightfully charming!  I am truly blessed to be the teacher in this classroom of children.  Thank you for sharing your munchkins with me!


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