Sunday, April 9, 2017

Let's Save The Earth!


Our shirts are done!
They are so amazing!
We are ready to help...Save The Earth!

Thank you for the donations to help with the cost of the shirts.  You can still send donations if you haven't had a chance and would like to help with this project.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


We are in the process of making our GREEN tye-dyed shirts!
This is probably one of my TOP FIVE FAVORITE projects of the whole year!
We tie-dyed our shirts last week.
I can't wait to show them to the munchkins!

Next we will be drawing and adding nature pictures!

If you would like to donate money to help with the cost of this project, please send money to school in an envelop or you may give it to me when you pick up your child after school.  Thank you!

Enjoy watching us GO GREEN!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Body Basics

We had a lot of fun learning about ways to be healthy, think healthy, and stay healthy!  We only have ONE BODY...we need to take care of it!

Enjoy our video!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Save The Date:
kindergarten spring program
friday, april 21st
please join us for a celebration of spring.  we will be singing songs and sharing information we have been learning in kindergarten.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Happy Dr. Seuss Week!

Here is a little video for you to see,
We are having a great week and are filled with glee!

We really do have fun as we work, play, and learn,
On the best of days we are happy to wait for our turn!

We are decoding words and now we can read,
Just watch us grow...we are bound to succeed!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Class Valentines

Good morning!

Just a quick reminder that children can start bringing valentines this week for their friends at school!  Please remember...

-If your child chooses to bring valentines, I would ask that they bring valentines for everyone in our class.  That would be 17 valentines.
-Valentines may be brought to school this week...February 6-10.
-Please do not send valentines next weekI will be gone Monday and as you might imagine, Tuesday will be way too crazy already!
-Valentines do not need to be store bought.  They may be made at home with love.
-Please have your child SIGN his/her name to EACH valentine.
-Your child will be dropping a valentine in each valentine box at school so please know that
cards/envelopes should not be addressed with names for classmates.
-You may be creative with your valentines, but please remember that candy or any edible food is not allowed at Meadow Lane School.

Thank you and have fun!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

We Have A Dream!

Today we honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for inspiring us to have a dream!
(click the title to see our video)