Sunday, February 5, 2017

Class Valentines

Good morning!

Just a quick reminder that children can start bringing valentines this week for their friends at school!  Please remember...

-If your child chooses to bring valentines, I would ask that they bring valentines for everyone in our class.  That would be 17 valentines.
-Valentines may be brought to school this week...February 6-10.
-Please do not send valentines next weekI will be gone Monday and as you might imagine, Tuesday will be way too crazy already!
-Valentines do not need to be store bought.  They may be made at home with love.
-Please have your child SIGN his/her name to EACH valentine.
-Your child will be dropping a valentine in each valentine box at school so please know that
cards/envelopes should not be addressed with names for classmates.
-You may be creative with your valentines, but please remember that candy or any edible food is not allowed at Meadow Lane School.

Thank you and have fun!

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